Why Rape Cases are increasing in the Islamic Republic of Pakistan

Muhammad Faiq
6 min readOct 2, 2020


RAPE sounds to be just a four-letter word but when anyone suffers through this undignified action by the perpetrator changed the life of a victim emotionally, psychologically, mentally, and physically simultaneously. Rape originates from the Latin word ‘rapere’ which means to snatch, to grab, to carry off and laterally rape means to seize and take away by force. On an average 106 rapes are reported every day in the whole country, out of which 40 percent of the victims are minors. It is even more shocking that in nearly 95 percent of the cases, rapes are committed by none other than the relatives and family members, or people known to the victims. Most cases are unreported for many reasons such as feelings of shame, embarrassment, non-uniform legal definitions, reluctance to define the friend/partner or relative as a rapist, or because they have internalized victim-blaming attitudes. The victims in rape cases are mostly women of every age group. The relatives of the victim consider them as a source of bringing shame to the family as if it’s their fault and may also threaten them. This is especially the case in our cultures where female virginity is highly valued and considered mandatory before marriage; in extreme cases, rape victims are killed in honor killings, which is another human right violation.

Photo by Engin Akyurt

Rapists are generally a small group of the male population involved in this indecent act of basic human rights violation (article 9 and article 14) and it does not mean most men abuse or disrespect women. Rape only happens because of rapists not because of men. Men get raped too, man rape man, woman rape man. The least forms of rape also include man-man or female-female sexual assault in a region where opposite gender interaction was close to zero, be it prison or unisex hostels. Rape is a universal occurrence, they are not restricted to any particular country, region, race, gender, caste, or class. They happen as much among the poor, rural, illiterates as among the rich, urban, and the so-called elites.

What is sex? and Why this natural phenomenon converts into a disaster?

The main activities to be performed by the species for the reproduction of their offspring is called sex, now when a man has sex with the female can reproduce their offspring but as Muslims, there are certain rules and regulations specified by the Islam which is ‘Nikah’ and one man can do nikah with four female not more than this and these females will have no other husband, this is the Islamic way specified in Islam. Sex before marriage is equally prohibited in every religion practiced in Pakistan.

Allah says (interpretation of the meaning):

“O Prophet! Tell your wives and your daughters and the women of the believers to draw their cloaks (veils) all over their bodies (i.e. screen themselves completely except the eyes or one eye to see the way). That will be better, that they should be known (as free respectable women) so as not to be annoyed. And Allah is Ever Oft‑Forgiving, Most Merciful” (Al-Ahzaab 33:59)

“Tell the believing men to lower their gaze and be modest. That is purer for them. Lo! Allah is aware of what they do” (Soorh e Noor 30)

Now If the Islamic and moral way is specified then why people are selecting the un-Islamic way? The answer is, every adult male and female want to have sex, and the interest for the sex is called desire now if the person can’t attain the Islamic way directly, so he or she will go for un-Islamic ways such as RAPE, SODOMY (sex with any male partner), LESBIANISM (the sexual relationship between females) and the worst form BESTIALITY (sex with an animal).

The following factors lead to sex from being a natural human desire to a disastrous act.

1. Late marriage system (a male or female got his or her adulthood in 12 to 16 years of age and they get married in their 30s). This gap between adulthood and marriage intentionally or unintentionally force the youth to be involved in haram activities.

2. Women in the last decade were so busy being independent that they forget to teach their sons how to live with an independent woman and how to treat others be it, girl or boy, they forget to educate their daughters and sons basics moral values needed in any relationship causing in increase of divorce rate and depressed souls who are exhausted with marriages and therefore involved in such disgusting action.

3. Another reason is the lack of sex education. Adolescent boys have an urge to explore. A skewed sex ratio, lack of accessibility, and negligible interaction with people of the opposite sex play havoc on impressionable minds fed with easy access to porn. Also, the profanity of using vulgar lyrics in songs needs to be curbed. There are item numbers where the woman is projected as no more than an object of desire. This causes women to be viewed as commodities, meant to be consumed and ravished. Sexually obsessed rapists don’t consider women as human beings but as an object that can be violated with impunity.

3. The entertainment industry also plays a role in the increase of rape cases, in past two-decade Pakistani theaters and TV screens were premiered with Indian vulgar content showcasing nude bodies and normalizing sex, drug, and alcohol in youth. After the ban of Indian content from Pakistani’s screen, the Indian legacy of deviating and damaging youth was filled by the recent generation of Pakistani showbiz stars either they belong to films, drama, music, or these days bone of contention so-called social media application (Tic Tok and Instagram). They are trying to normalize girlfriend boyfriend culture and their live-in-relation before marriage. Be it kissing and sex before marriage or homosexuality these so-called self-acclaimed social-influencers want to normalize everything prohibited in Islam.

Now when the thirst for sex convey to the brain, this is natural that it will increase the desire for sex, many messages to the brain will activate the brain more, and alternatively, the brain will activate their reproductive system. A human then satisfies their thirst for sex by involving in forbidden action thus damaging the dignity of innocent people without their consent.

Photo by Engin Akyurt

If after all somehow anyone committed such an insane act, then Islamic punishment, that is stoning till death for married couples in statutory rape and lashing for an unmarried couple in statutory rape, the death penalty in case of sodomy, and bestiality burning of the animal. Under the Pakistani laws, the punishment for rapists is either the death penalty or imprisonment of between ten and twenty-five years. For cases related to gang rape, the punishment is either the death penalty or life imprisonment. These punishments should be given to perpetrators by the government officials strictly so that it will set an example for other perpetrators that what will be the outcome if anyone finds involved in such action. It’s a high time we also have to take some prompt serious action like educating our children about good touch and bad touch and consent so that our society would be safe for every human being especially the 49.2% of our total population (103,675,393 female population of Pakistan according to census 2018 ) instead of making a hashtag social media trend for some couple of days with the victim name and then forget all as if nothing has happened.

For Reference: The above-mentioned articles used from the constitution of Pakistan related to human rights protection are:

Article 9. Security of person.No person shall be deprived of life or liberty save in accordance with the law.

Article 14: Inviolability of dignity of man. The dignity of man and, subject to law, the privacy of home, shall be inviolable. No person shall be subjected to torture for the purpose of extracting evidence.

Article 15: Freedom of movement. Every citizen shall have the right to remain in, and, subject to any reasonable restriction imposed by law in the public interest, enter and move freely throughout Pakistan and to reside and settle in any part thereof.

Article 16: Freedom of assembly. Every citizen shall have the right to assemble peacefully and without arms, subject to any reasonable restrictions imposed by law in the interest of public order.



Muhammad Faiq

Mechanical Engineer with a passion for teaching , reading and writing.