Is Climate change the next pandemic?

Muhammad Faiq
6 min readJul 18, 2022


Introduction: What is Climate Change?

Climate change is a phenomenon that affects the temperature, weather, and environment of our planet. It is caused by the increasing levels of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. Greenhouse gases are molecules that prevent heat from escaping. Over the years, humans have released large amounts of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere, which have caused the climate to change. The impacts of climate change are devastating and extreme weather events such as drought, floods, sea level rise, and cyclones are becoming more frequent throughout the country and worldwide.

Climate change is real

The changing climate has had a significant effect on our lives and livelihoods, but it also has implications for the future. The impacts of climate change are being felt across society, from food production to health and disaster risk management.

The world’s poorest and most vulnerable people are likely to be most affected by climate change, with children being particularly vulnerable as they suffer disproportionately from malnutrition, disease, lack of access to education, and a lack of opportunity for work or play.

According to the Global Carbon Project (GCR), Pakistan accounts for 8% of global carbon emissions but only 3% of its population. This statistic indicates that our country is responsible for around 8% of total carbon emissions globally, which is much lesser than many other nations. A major part of this emission is due to deforestation, which is a result of land use changes such as forests in the past used to be cleared. Another factor that can cause air pollution, is when trees, shrubs, shrubbery, etc. are burnt during agriculture, livestock farming, in construction sites, and urban development.

“At this scale, there are many other facts to consider,” including variations in air quality and temperatures, carbon emissions, and the number of cars on the road”, said Christopher B. Pyle, a professor of environmental science at George Mason University’s College of Global Affairs and Public Policy. “All regions and all types of infrastructure have different air pollution problems, different vehicle emissions problems, and different traffic congestion problems.”

The lack of water resources is also another reason why Pakistan faces a lot of natural crises that lead to water scarcity that ultimately causes massive flood surges. As climate change impacts are getting worse, we need to take action on the mitigation and adaptation strategies so that we can make peace with nature, protect nature and bring sustainability to both rural and city areas.

How Climate Change Impacts Economy

Pakistan is the 4th most vulnerable country in the world to climate change. The country is already experiencing the impacts of climate change and these impacts are expected to worsen in the coming years. The economy is also being hurt by climate change.

Climate change is affecting the lives of people in Pakistan in ways that are both immediate and long-term. It is bringing hotter, drier weather and longer, more severe droughts. It is causing water supplies to become contaminated and threatening the health of people who rely on polluted water for their daily needs. It is affecting the availability of clean energy, leading to blackouts and increased dependence on dirty energy.

Energy in Pakistan is a serious problem. The country has barely enough electricity to power its cities and factories. The grid is unreliable, and most homes and businesses have to rely on private generators for power. In rural areas, people are often forced to use firewood or kerosene as their primary source of heat, which is unhealthy and expensive.

It is causing longer, more severe droughts, which is reducing the amount of agriculture that can be done in Pakistan, and making water supplies more contaminated. It is also causing the country to become more dependent on dirty energy, such as coal and oil. This is causing air pollution, which is damaging to human health and increasing the cost of electricity.

The effect of climate change on the economy of Pakistan is already being felt. Increased droughting has forced farmers off their land, reducing the country’s food security. The clean energy sector is one of the best ways for Pakistan to create jobs and grow its economy, but the country needs to act quickly to develop renewable energy before it is too late.

It is also reducing the availability of clean energy, such as hydroelectric, solar, and wind power, which is making it harder for the country to reduce its carbon footprint and become more energy independent. Energy independence is key to reducing the effects of climate change. If the country is able to reduce its energy consumption, it will be able to reduce the number of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere and have better control over when, where, and how much energy it uses.

How to Reduce the Effects of Climate Change?

A study by the Ministry of Climate Change shows that the average temperature in Pakistan has risen by 1°C since 1990, which is higher than the global average rise of 0.6°C.

There are already initiatives to mitigate the effects of climate change, however, there are still some major barriers to overcome according to the University of California’s Marshall Institute. Some of these challenges include the challenge of addressing new sources of greenhouse gas emissions. One solution suggested by the institute is turning coal into energy. By using this fuel, a large amount of CO2 will have reduced, however, this solution only works if we find a way to replace fossil fuels that are currently burning and it may not happen in time. Therefore, another approach would be taking steps to reduce our reliance on fossil fuels. We should stop using coal as it is having negative effects on future generations.

Another important thing to focus on is making sure people use less electricity, even before the pandemic. Most countries are adopting energy efficiency measures, yet Pakistan is a laggard in implementing them for the last few years. Because of this, we’re likely to see a spike in electrical rates in the coming months to pay for the measures. Thus, we need to ensure everyone uses their energy efficiently. Energy efficient appliances are very beneficial because they generate electricity just enough to cater to the needs of the home, giving you plenty of power. On the same note, saving money on electricity bills is also necessary to help us save the environment too. Since we use electricity, we can save up to 10 percent while switching to green energy.

The Government of Pakistan has taken a number of steps to mitigate and adapt to climate change. These include:

- Implementing a National Climate Change Policy

- Enacting legislation for environmental protection

- Developing and adopting policies for sustainable development

- Creating a National Adaptation Plan

- Developing a National Communication Strategy on Climate Change


Climate Change is a global problem that requires a global solution. The way that we are going to be able to successfully mitigate the effects of climate change is by addressing it at the root causes. It is one of the most pressing and important issues in our society today. It poses a great threat to Earth and all its ecosystems, as well as to our survival and future generations.

We all need to understand that how we use land and water matters. For instance, we do not have the right to pollute our own landscape, therefore, instead of trying to convince others into doing what we want, we should leave that whole process to nature for what it was meant to be. In addition to this, we might not be able to avoid cutting down on the grass that allows wildlife to thrive and live in our parks, but at least we don’t have to worry about ruining nature. Furthermore, recycling single-use plastics can also benefit the oceans because it reduces environmental impact. However, this is not an option for certain countries like Pakistan because of its limited resource availability, thus, it is vital to consider alternative solutions on how to manage the waste that can affect our environment, which includes plastic bottles, bags, cups, and plates. To sum it up, we need to make small changes in our daily lives so that we can protect ourselves and live with a fresh mind.



Muhammad Faiq

Mechanical Engineer with a passion for teaching , reading and writing.