5 Pets You Should Own In Your Life

Muhammad Faiq
8 min readOct 15, 2020


A pet commonly known as a companion is a creature kept essentially for someone’s company or amusement, instead of a working creature, animals, or lab creatures. Pets, especially dogs and cats can reduce stress, anxiety, and depression, ease loneliness, encourage exercise and playfulness, and even improve cardiovascular health. Caring for an animal can help children grow up more secure and active. Pets also provide valuable companionship for older adults.

by Bin Ziegler

Owning a furry companion can have many positive effects on our life. Not only do we get to live with a friend, but there are also some hidden benefits to keeping a pet at home. They are great for all ages.

Some research studies have found that people who have a pet have healthier hearts, stay home sick less often, make fewer visits to the doctor, get more exercise and be in good shape, and are less depressed. Pets may also have a significant impact on allergies, asthma, social support, and social interactions with other people. Pets manage to bring so much joy into our lives. They make us laugh, comfort us when we’re sick or upset, and are always there for us when no one was there and they elevate the mood. They keep us engage, and while they can provide comic relief, they also serve us as valuable assistants. They might not be able to speak, but they hear us loud and clear.

Some of the disadvantages of having Pets are:

· Financial Commitment: Pet ownership is usually not cheap.

· Time Commitment: Pets take time, even if it’s a pet you won’t socially engage with, such as a fish.

· Pet Planning. Having a pet requires considering ahead.

· Social Results. Most individuals have neighbors, whether they’re on the beat, on either side or both

· Saying Goodbye.

Here are 7 domestic pets you should own:

1. Cat

By Alena Koval

As anyone who has ever been around a cat for any length of time well knows, cats have enormous patience with the limitations of humankind. Cat an independent and self-sufficient creature make an awesome pet and are perfect companions for individuals who work full time or who live in small houses or apartment for whom separate space for the pet is really a constraint. They are fond of human interaction they are less costly to keep and require less upkeep than other pets like dogs. By and large, cats are superb pets and will give a lifetime of adore and fondness.

By Alexander London


· They can lower the risk of heart disease.

· Their purring helps to heal bones, tendons, and muscles.

· They help in better sleep.

· They reduce stress and anxiety.

· Cats mean fewer allergies, especially for kids.

· Even just watching cat videos is good to boost the mood.


· A little harder to train to obey commands.

· Can be a bit unfriendly or aloof sometimes.

· Tend to enjoy scratching furniture.

· Can give some people allergies.

· Don’t cope well with traveling or moving house.


As cats are carnivores so their main diet relies on the protein ( raw meat, bones, and other organs) with a minimum of carbohydrates. They also consume a small portion of vegetable and dairy products like milk.

2. Dog

By Chevanon Photography

If you are in need of love, attention, and affection after an exhausting day at work or home then a dog is the pet that would be your partner in crime and fun for life. Owners of dogs have noticed that, if you provide them with food and water and shelter and affection, they will think you are God. Owning a dog can help kids learn about responsibility and empathy. One of the great benefits in terms of the health of having a dog as a pet is that they can catch cancer early, yes researched have to prove this. The dog provides an incentive to get some exercise, and there’s nothing like coming home to a pet who’s happy to see you, especially after a long day.

by Agnieszka


· A dog can be trained easily to obey basic commands such as ‘sit’, ‘down’, ‘greet’, and ‘heel’.

· Dogs are very sociable and can get along with other dogs easily.

· They make excellent companions and often known as “man’s best friend”.

· Dogs love their owner unconditionally.


· Need daily exercise and a lot of their owner’s attention.

· Good quality dog food can be expensive, particularly for large dogs that need to eat a lot.

· Some breeds can shed a lot of hair.

· Dogs can be more difficult to house train than cats, and it can be a lengthy project from beginning to end.


The main proportion of the dog’s diet comprises cooked or raw meat, bones, mice, voles, rabbits, birds, insects fish, vegetables, and rice.

3. Rabbit

by Pixabay

If you are in search of a cute, cuddly pet then a rabbit is all that you need to own. Rabbit possesses a strange mix of cat and dog qualities. Rabbits are, quite intelligent creatures able to memorize, solve problems, and react to cues. Like cats, happy rabbits purr when they’re content and relaxed. They are best for children of 8 years and older. There are more than 60 breeds of rabbits in the world. Their weight ranges from 2 to 13 pounds. The life span of the rabbit is 5 to 10 years. One of the best features of rabbits is their long ears, they grow up to 10 centimeters in length, rabbits can turn their ears by 180 degrees, keeping a careful listen out for predators. They are very effective baby-makers. Mother rabbits are pregnant for between 28–31 days, giving birth to up to 14 baby rabbits which are called kittens in a single litter.

by Lorna Lardil


· Rabbits make wonderful companions.

· They may be small, but they have big personalities.

· They are entertaining.

· They want to play with you.

· Compared to dogs or cats, they’re fairly low-maintenance.

· Petting a rabbit reduces stress.


· They need a temperature-controlled environment.

· They are not an easy animal.

· Enclosed space is required for their sleeping and resting.

· They need an outdoor area to roam around and play.

· They are nervous and easily scared creatures.

· They need a companion for them.

· Rabbits require lots of exercise.


Rabbits should have a diet of mostly hay, a smaller amount of fresh vegetables, and a limited number of pellets.


By Roi Dimor

A Parrot is a colorful, playful, lively, and intelligent bird best for any age, but better for teenagers and adults. They get attached to their human owner over time and are very affectionate towards them. They are also able to learn and interact with humans. There are more than 350 different types of parrots available around the globe. They can be quite small (about 3 inches or almost 8 centimeters) or quite large (up to 40 inches or more than 100 centimeters) in size. The average life span of parrots is around 80 years. One of the most attractive features of parrot is that they can mimic human voices and other sounds as well.

By Maghda Ehlers


· Long-lived. The larger the parrot, the longer the potential life.

· Parrots are highly interactive.

· They talk and do so in context.

· They have an emotional personality.

· They can say and do amazing things, that are incredibly funny.


· Long-lived. You need to provide for them depending on your age when you got them. And if you have not properly socialized them, their second (or third or fourth) home could be a nightmare for both the parrot and it’s the new human family.

· They require high maintenance.

· They can loudly scream when they want attention, usually at a time that is an inconvenience for the owner.

· They have a huge beak that can be painful.

· Without any assistant parrots lead to very destructive habits and a very bored and possibly destructive pet.


Parrots are omnivores, which means that they can eat both meat and vegetable. Most parrots eat a diet that contains nuts, flowers, fruit, buds, seeds, and insects. Seeds are their favorite food.


By David Yohanas

Fish or fishes are one of the ideal low maintenance small pet that makes a great visual impression on the minds of the owner and serves as a stress relief. They are available in vibrant colors in different sizes, weights, and breed. They are best for small kids as their first pet.

By Engin Akyurt


· They reduced levels of stress.

· They help in the improvement of sleep quality.

· They also lowered the blood pressure and heart rate of the viewer.

· Fish decreased pain and anxiety.

· They improved focus and creativity.

· Fish provides a calming effect on children and Alzheimer’s patients.

· Fish can improve your mood.

· Fish can improve productivity at work.

· Fish motivates kids to research and learn more.


· For fish owner have to feed them daily

· The maintenance of the ph of the water in the tank is essential.

· Cleaning of tank weekly required.

· It ties keeper to the home. They need to be home to take care of it and feed the creatures inside.

· Owner needs to establish routines for feeding and cleaning. For most people routines quickly become a chore.

· Water is a liability that is leakage can be very costly.

· Compared to other pets the interaction with an aquarium is somewhat oneway.

· Compared to other hobbies the aquarium hobby is not very mobile.

· Compared to other pieces of furniture or decoration an aquarium is very heavy and difficult to move.


Fish food includes earthworms, sludge worms, water fleas, bloodworms, and feeder fish.

Spending time with pets is relaxing, encouraging the brain chemicals that help to de-stress and feel good. And petting a beloved animal can even help in health. Some animals require a companion to live with, a big commitment and passion is required to keep them this also helps in increasing their life span. Some species like reptiles need a temperature-controlled environment Some animal grows fasts so as they grow their cage also needed to be upgraded with their growth.



Muhammad Faiq

Mechanical Engineer with a passion for teaching , reading and writing.